TECHnalysis Research works with a variety of large firms to create custom deliverables, such as white papers, online chats and more. You can find some of them here.
The Evolution of Server Architectures
The Importance of Mobile Audio
Bringing intelligent vision to automotive
Audio formats and the future of music
Making Predictive Maintenance Work
Financing IoT
Ask Me Anything: Defining High-Res Audio for the AVSForum:
5 Years of APUs (PDF)
Digital Engines for Smart and Connected Cars (PDF)
Health Care Device Trends (PDF)
Education Device Trends (PDF)
Public Safety Device Trends (PDF)
Building a Tools Platform for a Specialized IOT World (PDF)
High Speed Memory Interface Chipsets Let Server Performance Fly (PDF)
Caching the Cloud (PDF)
If you're interested in hiring TECHnalysis Research for custom consulting work, please send an email to or call 1 (650) 224-2355.
Sample Deliverables
If you'd like to see samples of TECHnalysis Research deliverables, you'll find links to them here.
Custom Podcasts
If you'd like to learn more about custom podcasts created by TECHnalysis Research, you'll find a link here.